Font Rendering in Safari

Browser Logos

There’s definitely a difference between Chrome and Safari due to Safari’s font rendering. In Safari text tends to be a bit bolder due to the anti-aliasing algorithm and can sometimes take up a few extra pixels on the screen.

I was getting very frustrated earlier because of a menu bar that was wrapping in Safari and not in Chrome. The Safari window had to be 200px wider than the Chrome window for the menu not to wrap before switching to the mobile menu.

Making the menu font size .1em smaller fixed the problem. It doesn’t even really make sense mathematically, but it worked so I am not inclined to figure it out right now.

Thanks Stack Overflow!

Favorite One-Trick Utility of the Year

Before I found this tool, I would open images in Photoshop to get proportional values for widths and heights. There are definitely easier ways to go about that, but Photoshop was always the first to come to mind. My new favorite tool for generating proportional image sizes is the Aspect Ratio Calculator.

For the Math inclined, it uses this formula:

original height / original width x new width = new height

Interview on Laravel News

I got interviewed by Eric Barnes on Laravel News about the Baltimore Laravel group and other web development related things 🙂

My Children Want You To Know

My children want you to know that being of few words does not mean being of little intelligence.

My children want you to know that being socially awkward doesn’t mean they cannot be wonderful, kind, loving and loyal friends.

My children want you to know that they stim because they need to, not because they are brats with little self-control who wish to irritate you. My children want you to know that they are not “picky”, “wussy” or “incorrigible” because they cannot tolerate certain lights, sounds, fabrics or foods. They experience the world quite differently than you do from a sensory standpoint, and they are doing their best to process and handle all of it. Think of having the volume turned up on every one of your senses at all times.

Read the rest of this article…

Karen and Lori’s Big Adventure

We are moving in 18 days! I can hardly believe it. In honor of the occasion, I did what I do for just about every occasion and built us a website to track our drive across the country and further adventures in Baltimore. Karen and I will both be posting stories, maps, pictures, etc.

There is not much there yet, but if you’re in the neighborhood, stop by and visit us at 🙂

Minesweeper Madness

The best version of Minesweeper I have played so far on the mac.

Favorite minesweeper app for iPhone :

Both of these apps are free.