Work, WordCamp, Dolly, Autiblogger, and .me

This week started out kind of insane. Nearly all of my clients wanted things at once. It hurt my brain pretty bad, but somehow I managed to get almost everything done. To make matters worse, my work environment has become somewhat of an ergonomic nightmare. I fixed my wrist problem by switching to a trackball, wearing …

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WordCamp 2007

I have been so busy this week that I haven’t had time to write about WordCamp. Lots of work these days and then on Wednesday, I got my 2 top wisdom teeth pulled. K came with me (thank you K!) and we had to wait for an hour in the waiting room, and then what seemed like forever in the dentist room. I cried. I have a hard time going to the dentist. After almost two hours of waiting, the dentist pulled my teeth in about 5 minutes. I didn’t feel a thing, but the noise was pretty sick. It doesn’t hurt too bad as long as I take tylenol and don’t eat food that requires chewing.

This weekend, I went to WordCamp 2007 in San Francisco. It was even better than last year. Surrounded by WordPress geeks. In some ways, I like it better than macworld. There are not too many things that I like better than macworld. WordCamp is smaller and more focused. Lucky for me, it is focused on some of my favorite things.

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Random Geekery

First, an iphone update. It still rocks! Most of the annoyances do not bug me anymore except for safari not remembering my zoom (Edit: I forgot that a double tap zooms in the safari window, so I rescind that last annoyance), lack of basic text select, copy, and paste features, and poor navigation. Some breadcrumb …

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Wordcamp 2006

Have I ever mentioned that I love being surrounded by other geeks? I am at WordCamp in San Francisco now. It is a one day conference about WordPress, and so far, I am having lots of fun.

I am sitting in the back with a bunch of other folks who felt the need to plug in to a power strip. It is comforting to have so many power strips about, and I am kind of amused at the amount of people who brought their own. Talk about good planning! I was happy that I even remembered to bring my power brick.

We are having a musical interlude now by Eric Haller. He is singing ‘With A Little Help From My Friends’ and playing guitar. It is very nice : )

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