M2 Max MacBook Pro

MacBook Pro M2 Max

Spoke too soon about not having RAM issues on my M2 MacBook Air. It is great for most work, but was having issues when working with virtual machines, multiple browsers/tabs, and graphics apps all at once. I had been considering getting a second computer for a long time because if something goes wrong and my …

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Favorite Things of 2022

God of War Ragnarök

2022 was a pretty good year for me overall. I am very thankful for another year with Karen and Buster, and still missing Nikkyo. Outside of some annoying health issues, having to switch to meds that don’t work as well as my old ones, losing a dear old friend, and missing my family terribly, things …

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Down the Obsidian Rabbit Hole


Obsidian is my latest Favorite App of the Moment™. I have a lifetime of memory and concentration related problems, and a daily alarm set to “learn something”. The only way to merge these two daily realities is to take notes. Same goes for meetings with clients and research for projects. If I don’t take notes, …

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PSA: Do Not Use camelCase for WordPress Shortcode Attribute Names

Use lower or snake case instead of camel case for WordPress shortcode attribute names.

I just wasted nearly an hour troubleshooting a shortcode for a project because I did not know that WordPress shortcode attributes are passed through PHP’s strtolower() function (view source). I rarely use camelCase in PHP, and am also not a huge fan of shortcodes, so have easily managed to get through 15 years of developing …

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Font Rendering in Safari

Browser Logos

There’s definitely a difference between Chrome and Safari due to Safari’s font rendering. In Safari text tends to be a bit bolder due to the anti-aliasing algorithm and can sometimes take up a few extra pixels on the screen.

I was getting very frustrated earlier because of a menu bar that was wrapping in Safari and not in Chrome. The Safari window had to be 200px wider than the Chrome window for the menu not to wrap before switching to the mobile menu.

Making the menu font size .1em smaller fixed the problem. It doesn’t even really make sense mathematically, but it worked so I am not inclined to figure it out right now.

Thanks Stack Overflow!

Placeholder Text Generators


Updated on 3/22/19 to add Jeffsum. I generate a lot of Lorem Ipsum text when I am laying out websites. Usually I use a keyboard shortcut or the old standby, lipsum.com. I also like Fillerati. Those are nice because they include the option to add different HTML tags, such as <p> , <li> , and headings. Today while I …

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Interview on Laravel News

I got interviewed by Eric Barnes on Laravel News about the Baltimore Laravel group and other web development related things 🙂

Happy 10th Anniversary WordPress!

WordPress 10th Anniversary

WordPress will be 10 years old on May 27th, 2013. Hard to believe it has been so long! Dougal Campbell had a great idea to start the WordPress 10th Anniversary Blogging Project. I have been using WordPress since v 0.71 and it is still my favorite way to build a website. What better way to celebrate …

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Video: The Dragonborn Comes

Beautiful rendition of ‘The Dragonborn Comes’ (Skyrim Bard Song and Main Theme) by Malukah.

You can download the mp3 for free at http://www.malukah.com/free/

Chords - The Dragonborn Comes
Chords - The Dragonborn Comes

RIP Steve Jobs, Derrick Bell, and Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth

Derrick Bell, Steve Jobs and Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth

I am sad that Steve Jobs is gone. I didn’t know him, but like many other people, he changed my life. There have been many tributes to Mr. Jobs in the past week and it is easy to see how widespread his influence was. There is also some negative sentiment in which people are furious …

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Mad World of Warcraft Cataclysm

WoW! What a great video written and performed by Brunhila on YouTube! An exceptionally well done video showing and describing the WoW world after Cataclysm to the tune of “Mad World” by Tears for Fears.

Mad World of Cataclysm Lyrics:

All around me are the brand-new races,
Messed up places, forlorn faces.
Deathwing broke the world I knew in pieces,
Flooded cities, unveiled new species.
Suddenly I’ve got a crappy gearscore,
No one invites me, pugs don’t like me.
Back to griding rep and max professions,
New achievements, quest progression.

And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad,
Disenchanting all these epics after wanting them so bad.
It’s so humiliating, I’m upgrading with greens,
Hearthing back to Stormwind in a very, very,
Mad world.

Yesterday I was an epic raider,
Purple blader, Lich King slayer,
Now I’m not well-geared enough to get in,
Bastion of Twilight, Throne of the Four Winds.
Cued for randoms, I was very nervous,
No one knew me, pulled right through me.
Hello trainer. Tell me what’s my lesson?
Reforge this. Don’t stack that anymore.

And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad,
Disenchanting all these epics after wanting them so bad.
It’s so humiliating, I’m upgrading with greens,
Hearthing back to Stormwind in a very, very,
Mad world.

Minesweeper Madness

The best version of Minesweeper I have played so far on the mac.

Favorite minesweeper app for iPhone :

Both of these apps are free.

2011: The First 9 Days


Even though we are only 9 days in to 2011, this year has been pretty crazy so far. So crazy, that 2010 is already kind of a blur. Karen and I are trying to get ready to move to Baltimore in April and there are so many things to do, it boggles my mind. We …

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Video: Do You Wanna Date My Avatar by The Guild

Lori B. says, “Truly awesome! I laughed, I cried, I didn’t really cry.”

Directed by: Jed Whedon
Music by: Jed Whedon
Lyrics by: Felicia Day
Main Vocal: Felicia Day
Rap: Jeff Lewis and Sandeep Parikh
Backup Vocals: Maurissa Tancharoen and Jed Whedon
Director of Photography: Omer Ganai
Choreography: Chantal Robeson
Edited by: Jeff Yorkes
Produced by: Christian Agypt, Felicia Day
Costumes: Sarah Trost
Weapons: Greg Aranowitz
Production Design: Tyler Robinson

Vincent Caso
Felicia Day
Jeff Lewis
Amy Okuda
Sandeep Parikh
Robin Thorsen

Bijoya Das
Jul Kohler
Maurissa Tancharoen

English Subtitles: Daniela Figueiredo
Portuguese – Jonathan Iury and Dani Figueiredo
Spanish – Pablo Lopez Vila and Carles Soler Sala

BeeDragon.com 2010

BeeDragon Web Services

2010 has been the most successful year yet for my business, BeeDragon Web Services. I have been getting a lot of work from other web developers and designers. It is very exciting getting to work with talented people who do similar work. When each person combines their unique skills, we make each other’s work shine. …

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First Annual Distraction Awards

I have been very distracted lately! Too many things going on and I can not focus on any of them. Luckily, I have had no problem focusing on distractions. I would like to give recognition to the distractions that have proven to be most entertaining in the ‘First (and possibly last) Annual Distraction Awards’.

Best Web Standards Video to a Bob Dylan Tune

More info and lyrics @ Molly.

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Computer History Museum

I have been at the She’s Geeky conference this weekend at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. Got to go on a tour of the museum today. There are lots of old computers, some restorations, handheld video games, abaci, calculators, adding machines, and software.

The conference has been very fun. It is well named. Definitely have never been around that many girl geeks before! Tomorrow is the last day. There is a session about asperger’s which I would never have expected, but it was subtitled “the geek syndrome”, so guessing that is the connection. I am very curious. There is also one about Drupal called ‘Show me your back end’. Hopefully they are not both at the same time. Drupal will win. Some pix from the museum:

Autism Women’s Network

Autism Women's Network Website

After 3 months of complete immersion, the Autism Women’s Network site is live and open to the public. I am still adding features and fixing the occasional bug here and there, but for the most part, it is done. Building this site has been an amazing experience for me. I am happy to get to …

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