Mother’s Day Wish

Wish I could take your pain away Wish I could take you out in the sunny day Wish I could make you stronger So you could come home for longer Wish I could hurt instead of you Iā€™d give anything to make that true Wish I could hold you and make things right Wish I …

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Perspectives of Autism from My Family


I have been different from other people for as long as I can remember. Over the years, I have had many different diagnoses, opinions, and treatments that were not quite right. My parents have tried to get me help since I was a little kid, but no one really knew what to do with me. …

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Welcome to the world Abbey B!

Happy birthday! Abigail Ruth Berkowitz was born at 1:47am this morning to my sister-in-law Sarah and my brother Brian. 8 lbs. 4 oz. 20.5 inches. Smaller than a cat. Cuter than a baby giraffe. Congratulations Bri and Sarah! She is beautiful šŸ™‚

if $brain >= $fried ? ramble : $code;

I am too busy. I suck at being busy. It is my worst thing and it always ends badly. I am not sure how to not be busy. It is a vicious cycle. As soon as I start feeling better, I want to do things. All the things that I can’t do when I am …

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Master Mary and Baby B

Baby B was born today! Woooooooooo hooooooooooooooo! I am so happy, I can hardly stand it. Hannah Audrey is her name šŸ™‚ Congratulations Bri and Sarah! For those who are out of the Berkowitz family tree loop, Bri is my brother, Sarah is my sister-in-law, and Hannah is my brand new niece!

It has been a very intense day. Master Mary Davis Cates died this morning. Master Mary was an amazing martial artist, the highest ranking member of Cuong Nhu outside of the founder’s family, a hero of mine and many many others, and most of all, a wonderful magical woman. It is a very sad day for very many people.

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Me and K went to Ottawa for Passover this year to visit K’s family. Lorena came too and their folks met us there. We stayed with Heather and Bruce, K and L’s cousins, and their children Adam and Max. Their other cousins Mark and Tina, and their 2 daughters, Leah and Omi, came from Toronto and stayed there too. It was a full house! K and L’s folks stayed with Rob and Ros who live nearby. Rob is K’s mom’s brother. Got all that?

photo of LB, K, Lorena, Tina, Mark, Heather, Bruce, Omi, Leah, Adam, and Max

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New York, NY

Me and K went to NY to celebrate my mom and dad’s 40th wedding anniversary šŸ™‚ It was so nice that we could all be together to honor the occasion. M & D stayed at the St. Regis, and me n K stayed in Queens with Brian and Sarah and Atticus, their very sweet and big and fuzzy cat.

new york city

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Bri and Sarah’s Wedding!

Bri and Sarah got married in San Juan, Puerto Rico on Sunday. Me and Karen went there for 4 days. It was very hot and very beautiful, especially the wedding! It was also nice to see so many people I haven’t seen in so long, like Eric and Vivian and Pete and all of Bri’s …

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